Monday, September 21, 2015

Greeks Around Campus

Brooke Arabia, Brittany Chiodo, Mackenzie Morgan, and Aliecia Anderson
help the university make care packages for our troops.
Emily Damico, Emily Sikora, Aliecia Anderson, Isti Istrefi, Rachel Putch, and Rachel Kilgore are preparing for a long weekend of recruitment by enjoying a night by the fire.

Emily Damico, Miranda Flamm, Ange Borriello, Auriel Welty, Alexa Milston, Isti Istrefi, and Taylor Beswick
take some girls bowling to meet the sisters
AOII's newest members
Emily Gardiner, Jenna Conway, Isti Istrefi, Aimee Espe, Deanna Shields, and Shay Conors
 attend a fundraiser flag football event against other fraternities and soroities
Girls of Alpha Omicron Pi celebrate there last few days of summer by having a photo shoot to put into their recruitment video

In the first picture these sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi went out of their way to support our troops by making care packages for them which included necessities they may need in their everyday lives while fighting for our country.

Greek life is a huge part of Slippery Rocks campus always having something going on. With the new freshman coming also leads to the Greeks trying to seek out new members. Recruitment weekend lasted 5 days with many long hours.

Caught at Coffaros bowling alley these AOII's introduce themselves to some potentially interested girls. Spending time with sisters is a big part of Greek life and after talking to the new girls they said they loved it.

Bid day came and went with great results. Every sorority on campus got a handful of new girls who all seemed very pleased about where they were placed. Alpha Omicron Pi got 11 new members who will learn about the sorority and its values over this semester.

Greek life raises money for their philanthropies by getting teams together to play against each other in games. Alpha Xi Delta hosted this event by gathering up a team from each sorority and fraternity and having them pay to play to support a cause. Even though the girls from Alpha Omicron Pi did not take first they still had a blast playing.

I choose this theme of pictures because I am proud to be Greek and most events around campus involve Greek life or the people in some way. Friendship is what makes life exciting and I wanted to let people know that the stereotype about Greek people isn't true. They play a good part in the community and university.

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